With his success over the weekend the long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz will lead your Bud Light team to battle tonight against the Scooter's guns of Volquartsen Custom. Also making the call to the 11th tee will be 2009 MVP front runner Steve "Hans" Auen, 2008 MVP Mike Schulz and your Captain Mike Franey. 2009 MVP runner up Steve Sinnard is vacationing at Lake Okoboji with his family including wife Keeley "Giant Killer" Sinnard. In Cleveland Cup action Keeley beat both Kirby Pettitt and 2009 City Tournmament winner Aaron Ahrendsen before losing to Hy-Vee produce manager Tom "Duffer" Duff. That is a pretty good feat for one summer. Bud Two Troy Auen will be riding the Week 14 pine after his loss last week to Carroll Cycle Center team captain Terry Ruchti. Your Bud Light team will look to widened their six point lead over the oil jobbers of Community Oil Company. Head oil jobber Chico Kanne was spotted yesterday at the range with a large bucket of balls working on his game. The oil jobbers will take aim at local funeral director Kyle Atkinson's Sharp Funeral Home team.
After their loss to your Bud Light team the cycles look to rebound by facing off with one of the hottest teams in the Tiger Woods division, Macke Motors. Who will make the call to the tee for the motors? The featured pairing of the night will be Scott Kanne's Broadband Bandits squaring off against Kasperbauer Cleaners. Ron Juergen's lawn boys go head to head with Byron's Boyz and Captain Comito's Stiffsticks take on the bankers of Carroll County State Bank. The big moving Subway team team take on Larry's Automotive without the services of Papa Joe Pick
Papa Joe Pick is on the banks of West Lake Okoboji preparing for the start of the 2009 Papa Joe
The finals in the Cleveland Cup are just around the corner. Tom "Duffer" Duff waits the winner of the match between Carroll Country Club President Randy Hockom and your Captain Mike Franey. Todd Kanne took care of Jacque Masching last Friday and will now face Frank Comito. All of the five remaining golfers are subscribers to this report! Good to all. Tickets will go on sale soon for that Hockom and Franey title fight.
Birthday wishes from this report go out today to "Big T" Tom "Slider" Snyder.
That is a wrap for the week 14 preview show. Your Bud Light team looks to extend the lead over the oil jobbers of Community Oil Company. Look for tomorrow's report from the banks of West Lake Okoboji.
Fairways and greens to all!
Championship Supper League Captain
Mike Franey