Without a doubt he is the undisputed most talked about person, thing or topic on this blog. Whenever yours truly gets the proverbial writer's block I always think to myself what can I say about the Papa!

He has a pedigree similar to a championship crowned toy poodle. He is a past champion of the Al Hoy Memorial Golf Tournament(now the Bill Franey Open) on the fairways and greens of the Raccoon Bend Golf Course just south of Jefferson. He is a Carroll Senior City Champion and the only thing that he is missing is to win his own Papa Joe Classic. As the tournament director of that great classic I am saddened to say we are not adding a Senior division. He is a great host though!
He has a pedigree similar to a championship crowned toy poodle. He is a past champion of the Al Hoy Memorial Golf Tournament(now the Bill Franey Open) on the fairways and greens of the Raccoon Bend Golf Course just south of Jefferson. He is a Carroll Senior City Champion and the only thing that he is missing is to win his own Papa Joe Classic. As the tournament director of that great classic I am saddened to say we are not adding a Senior division. He is a great host though!
It is a common sight on Tuesday nights to see him riding around with the one and only Junkyard Dog. They certainly are the dynamic duo forging forward attempting to prevent the Soggy Subs from losing their sponsorship.
So this Sunday May 16th take a moment to raise your glass whether its your early morning coffee, one of your three martinis at lunch or an ice cold Bud Light in the afternoon to wish Farmer Papa Joe Pick a very Happy 60th birthday.
On behalf of all the reporters, staff and your publisher of the Bud Light along with all of the members of your Bud light team I would like to wish Papa Joe a very Happy 60th birthday with many more to come.
Happy Birthday my friend!
Happy Birthday my friend!
As always this Bud's for you and On Iowa!
Tournament Director Papa Joe Classic
Men's league championship captain of your Bud Light team!
Mike Franey
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