Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Another windy night.....Hackett low AGAIN..........Two time Papa Joe Champion turning 50.....Templeton Rye rolls....Chico Kanne on fire!
Templeton Rye busted out of the three way first place tie in the US Open Flight in week 5 with a 45 to 27 pounding of defending Supper league champions Stiff Sticks. The sticks were visibly out of sorts as they ate supper together after the match. With the loss Stiff Sticks settle into the third position. All winners for the whiskeys. Produce Tom Duff and Retired Randy Hockom led the way. Even Steve "Cuda" Quandt and Papa Joe Pick were winners! Pick also had the closest to the pin flag prize on #17. Fairway Frank Comito declined comment about the match. Assistant team captain Bud One Jim Auen who did not play for the sticks last night and would not even eat with them after the match said "We are at a crossroads with our team as we can not bench them all."
Juergens Lawn Care took over the second spot with a 42 to 30 thumping of Byronz Boyz. Mike "Jewels" Eckerman and Bill Linde led the way for the grass cutters. Bob Gigure the only winner for the Boyz. This pairing followed your Bud Light team last night and this reporter apologizes for being so slow. Active Performance topped a very tough par team 37 to 35.
The US Open flight standings: Templeton Rye 193, Juergens Lawn Care 190, Stiff Sticks 175, Byronz Boyz 174 and Active Performance 167.
The British Open Flight saw Champion Ford extend their lead with a 38 to 34 win over YOUR Bud Light team. Head Ford Ken Payer took it to Mike Franey 13 to 5. Congrats to Payer as he will be playing in the upcoming Principal Classic Pro Am at Glen Oaks in Des Moines. Bud Three Steve "Hans" Auen was defeated by Steve Herrin. Long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz defeated Clothier Wade Wilkie and Bud Two Troy Auen topped Monument Man Loren Boyce. Mertz was awarded low gross along with Dr. David Nystrom. Two time Papa Joe Champion Digger Dave Nelson was absent in week 5 preparing for this weekends graduation of daughter Anna and watering the garden.
The tomatoes of Graddy's Salsa were smashed by par 40 to 32. Jeff Scharfenkamp and Rick Grote the only winners for the tomatoes.
Templeton Savings Bank edged Badding Construction 38 to 32 in a battle of the brother in laws. Jair Mayhall earns bragging rights with a 10 to 8 win over Scott Greteman. Mayhall was so excited with his win he ran out of the clubhouse and went home early. Tony Pietig a big winner over numbers Bob Muhlbauer.
The standings in the British Open Flight: Champion Ford 192, Graddy's Salsa 182, Templeton Savings Bank 181, Bud Light 175 and Badding Construction 168.
Over in the Zach Johnson the elderly team, Macke Motors, had their lead shaved by four with a 35 to 37 loss to Utilcomm. Captain Randy Bierl the only winner for the motors. Car Wash Todd Pettitt nailed closest to the pin on #8. Head cable guy Chad Kanne was very vocal in the corner table last night about the future of Pat Macke on his team. Macke was the only loser on the team. Kanne said "I question if Macke will play for our team again this year! The way I see is that Macke just beats himself. I am exploring a trade to Templeton Savings/Shell Oil/Eastside Shell or whatever their name is this week." For their efforts Utilcomm was awarded low net team. This publisher questions the severity of the verbal abuse against Macke.
The Carroll Cycle Center beat Greteman Chiropractic 43 to 29. Corey Bluml finally gets a league win for the cycles but has not graduated to the team table for dinner. Head Harley Terry Ruchti and Dr. J.B. Greenwell were both winners for the cycles. Jamming Joe Hinners was the only loser. Ruchti must have stole some shorts(plaid) from the closet of Produce Tom Duff for last night's action. Ruchti and his shorts drained the longest putt on #9.
Par trumped WCI 36 to 36. No winners for the basement wall fixers.
The standings in the Masters Flight: Macke Motors 191, Carroll Cycle Center 182, Utilcomm 180, WCI 160 and Greteman Chiropractic 158.
Over in the PGA Flight Van Diest Supply Company continued their winning ways last night with a 38 to 34 victory over Brown Shoe Fit Company. Brad Pick the MVP for the chemical company. Air time Pete Collison was also a winner over Jeff Bahr. Collison's round included a shank and blade slice shot into the trees. Welcome to the season Ryan Milligan! Thanks for coaching our area soccer youth.
Budweiser got a 40 to 32 win over Carroll Glass despite two team hat violations by GPS Bob Pudenz and Frozen Tom Farner. Pudenz and Uncle Bruce Player of the Year front runner Fred Dolezal were the only winners for the King of Beers. Head Glass Cutter Andy Reiman got a solid win over Tom Farner.
The head oil jobber Chico Kanne carried Community Oil to a 39 to 33 win over Carroll Broadcasting. Kanne was awarded low net. Kim's son Collin Hackett scored his third low gross honors in a row with a one under par 36 on the front. Hackett described Kanne's round as amazing. A shot that bounced off the cart path on #8 to 8' really got Hackett's attention to Kanne's talent. Also Kanne's birdie on #4 impressed the young lad. Todd Kanne also scored a win. Colin Bierl won for the broadcasters.
The standings in the PGA Flight: Van Diest Supply Company 208, Budweiser 194, Carroll Glass 181, Brown Shoe Fit 167 and Carroll Broadcasting 159.
It is a tradition that we all have come to expect about Larry "Coach" Clark and the Kuemper Boys Golf Teams. Below is the information about the upcoming event to honor his committment to our youth. At their request I am including the information.
Coach Larry Clark is retiring after 24 years as Kuemper's boys golf coach. To honor Coach Clark for his service, on June 17th Father's Day, we have organized some golf and a reception following at Graham Park Shelter House. Golf will be at the Carroll Country Club with tee times available in the morning and you are welcome to call and make your own foursome. Coach will be out and about to chat with everyone during your round. Following golf, a reception will take place at Graham Park Shelter House from 1-4pm where food and beverages will be served. Please RSVP by June 1st for golf and/or the reception to Theresa Boeckman at or 712-830-9904. All are welcome from previous players, parents, and friends. See you June 17th!
The Uncle Bruce Player of the Year standings: 1. Bob Pudenz, 2. Ken Payer, 3. Dirk Glynn, 4. Aaron Pick, 5. Ron Juergens
That is a wrap for week 5. The wind was the big winner again this week. In week 4 the front nine average score was 45.625 and in week 5 it was 41.76. The back nine average score in week 4 was 48.56 and in week 5 it was 44.225. Maybe we are getting used to the wind. Let's hope for a calm beautiful day next Tuesday.
A big shout out to my step son Payton White who turns 18 tomorrow and shares a birthday with Digger Dave Nelson who is the big 50 tomorrow!
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!
As always this Bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Captain of the 4th place Bud Light team
Mike Franey
Friday, May 18, 2012
Dolezal leads Uncle Bruce Player of the Year award!
After four weeks the standings in the Uncle Bruce Player of the Year award are:
Fred Dolezal
Bob Pudenz
Brandon Vonnahme
Dirk Glynn
Aaron Pick
Ron Juergens
Over 500 Carroll area Hawkeye fans gathered on Wednesday night for the Carroll I Club's annual Spring banquet. Head Hawk Kirk Ferentz was the headliner.
Congratulations to all of area graduates. Have a great weekend from all of us at The Franey Golf Report!
Fairways and greens to all!
Mike Franey
Fred Dolezal
Bob Pudenz
Brandon Vonnahme
Dirk Glynn
Aaron Pick
Ron Juergens
Belated Birthday wishes to Papa Joe Pick! |
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Eddie Podalak |
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Enjoying a ride after the Chamber Coffee this morning! |
Fairways and greens to all!
Mike Franey
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Happy Birthday Keeley....A windy week 4....Champion Ford to the top......Hackett goes low again...Captain Kirk in Arcadia tonight!
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Happy Birthday Keeley! |
Graddy's Salsa retreated to the second spot with a 34 to 38 loss to Badding Construction. Bob Muhlbauer was the MVP for the construction guys.
Your Bud Light team beat Templeton Savings Bank 38 to 34. Bud Two Troy Auen and Mike Schulz were the MVP's for America's team. Long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz and Bud Three Steve "Hans" Auen both took it on the chin. Captain Mike Franey and Steve Sinnard did not play in week four.
The standings in the British Open Flight: Champion Ford 154, Graddy's Salsa 150, Templeton Savings Bank 143, Bud Light 141 and Badding Construction 134.
Stiff Sticks fell to par 33 to 39 but held onto a share of the lead in the U.S. Open Flight. Neal Cross the only winner for the sticks. Bud One Jim Auen fell hard to ole Mother Par!
Templeton Rye beat Juergen's Lawn Care 37 to 35 and the grass cutters grabbed a share of the lead. Denny Kasperbauer and Steve "Cuda" Quandt the winners for the whiskeys. Produce Tom Duff and Papa Joe Pick went down in smoke. Five time senior city champion Papa Joe Pick was beaten by 20 time Carroll city Champion Mike "Jewels" Eckerman 11 to 7.
Byronz Boyz tied with Active Performance 36 to 36.
The standings in the U.S. Open Flight: Three way tie.....Stiff Sticks 148, Juergens Lawn Care 148, Templeton Rye 148, Byronz Boyz 144 and Active Performance 130
Top performers - Mike "Jewels" Eckerman and Long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz shared low gross with 35. Neal Cross was low net 32. Champion Ford the low net team. Produce Tom Duff and Mike Eckerman scored flag prizes.
Macke Motors stretched their lead in the Zach Johnson division with a 36 to 36 tie of Greteman Chiropratic. Car Wash Todd Pettitt the MVP for the motors. P.J. Greteman beat Jeff Minnich 11 to 7.
Utilcomm was clobbered by par 28 to 42. No winners for the cable guys. Team capatin Chad Kanne better regroup this team as it is headed in the wrong direction.
Carroll Cycle Center rebounded after a poor week 3 to beat WCI 38 to 34. Corey Bluml and Jamming Joe Hinners led the way for the cycles.
Macke Motors leads the flight with 156, Utilcomm 143, Carroll Cycle Center 139, WCI 134 and Greteman Chiropratic 129.
Budweiser topped Carroll Broadcasting and took over second place. Fred Dolezal was the MVP for the beers with a 14 to 4 win over Terry Wurzer. Collin Hackett took it low again with a 35 to lead the team and score low gross honors. Pat Malloy has been assigned to the learning center after a big losss.
Van Diest Supply maintained their top spot with a 39 to 33 win over Carroll Glass. Aaron Pick the MVP for the supply company. Head glass cutter Andy Reiman the MVP for the glass men.
Community Oil beat Brown Shoe Fit Company 38 to 34 behind stellar play from assistant oil jobber Todd Kanne. Dick Muhlbauer took it on the chin. Congrats on your new grand daughter today Dick!
Van Diest leads by 16 with 170, Budweiser 154, Carroll Glass 149, Brown Shoe Fit Company 133, Community Oil 132 and Carroll Broadcasting 126.
Pete Collison, Fred Dolezal, Todd Kanne and Jerry Janson were all low net. Budweiser was the low net team.
Tonight is the Carroll I Club banquet in Arcadia with guest speaker Kirk Ferentz. Go Hawks and ON IOWA!
Last week this report received the following letter to the editor in response to a comment about the handicap of Mike "Jewels" Eckerman.....
letter to the editor!!
I would like to defend my handicap for now. I have witness's that have put up with some big #when I
was there teammate, Troy Auen immediately comes to mind. I am deserving of the stroke, but vow to
get back to form before summers done...
older and getting better
Statement of the week!
Jeff Minnich proudly announced at a graduation this weekend that he shot a 98 on Saturday. He then continued on to say that is one shot better than this publisher's last two league scores( 49 and 50). Thanks Mr. Minnich!
Happy Birthday to my business partner Terry Axman!
As always this bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Bud Light falls hard!.......The Budweiser collapse.......Westside State Savings Bank's Matt Lujano promoted....Hackett finally wins!
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Graddy's Salsa had a big night against Bud Light |
Other action in the British Open Flight finds week 2 top dogs Champion Ford taking it on the chin 39 to 33 from Templeton Savings Bank. Steve Herrin and Wade Wilke won for the Fords. Scott Greteman and Tony Pietig were big winners for the bankers.
The nail guns of Badding Construction were unplugged by par 43 to 29.
Graddy's Salsa is your new leader in the British Open Flight with 116, Champion Ford 113, Templeton Savings Bank 109, Bud Light 103 and Badding Construction 96.
The cream came to the top in the U.S. Open Flight last night as Fairway Frank Comito captained his team to a 39 to 33 win over former flight leaders Juergens Lawn Care. Comito, Neal Cross and Doc Sporrer all were winners for the sticks. Bud One Jim Auen the only loser at the hands of 20 time Carroll City Champion Mike "Jewels" Eckerman.
Papa Joe's Templeton Rye team squeaked out a 39 to 33 win over Active Performance. Denny Kasperbauer and Steve "Cuda" Quandt both won for the whiskeys as Papa Joe Pick and Produce Tom Duff both tied.
A very impressive performance by Byronz Boyz yielded a 36 to 36 tie against par!
Stiff Sticks lead the flight with 116, Juergen's Lawn Care 113, Templeton Rye 111, Byronz Boys 108 and Active Performance 94.
Brian Widdell and Mike "Jewels" Eckerman were low net with 33's. Eckerman also scored low gross with 34(yes the 20 time champion received one stroke of handicap on the back nine). Graddy's Salsa was low net team in their convincing beating of Bud Light.
In the Masters Flight of the Zach Johnson division Macke Motors topped WCI 43 to 29. Jeff Minnich the big winner with a 14 to 4 win over Austin Scott. Minnich shot a 43 which solidifies the position of the board of directors of the Papa Joe Classic that his handicap is TOO high! Flying Bob Raue stepped up as well to beat Nick Bowdish 12 to 6.
Westidside State Savings Bank's Matt Lujano was motivated by this report and lead the Utilicomm team to a huge 44 to 28 win over Greteman Chiropractic. Lujano clubbed Larry Olberding 15 to 3. Lujano has been promoted back to head teller of the bank from head janitor. This publisher applied for the janitorial position and was turned down. I thought Tuesday nights would be a perfect night for me to clean the bank. Wyatt Haukap won 12 to 6 and Cable guy Chad Kanne and Gary Subbert tied 9 to 9.
The Carroll Cycle Center team seemed frustrated last night as they struggled with par. Head Harley Terry Ruchti tied his match to lead the team.
Macke Motors holds the lead with 120, Utilcomm jumps Carroll Cycle Center for second with 115, Carroll Cycle Center 101, WCI 100 and Greteman Chiropractic 93.
Van Diest Supply jumped Budweiser for the top spot in the PGA Flight. Chemical Dirk Glynn was the MVP for the supply company with a 16 to 2 beat down on Captain Mike Franey. Jay Westerkamp a big winner over Joel Harris 13 to 5. GPS Bob Pudenz the only winner for the king of beers handing Brad Pick his first loss of the season. Aaron Pick made a career putt from the top of #1 green and beat Lil Irish Pat Malloy.
Carroll Glass also jumped Budweiser and now is in second. The glass guys beat Chico and the oil jobbers 42 to 20. Kanne put a gag order on his team as they ate at the high top East of the bar away from the sociable action of all the other golfers. Keith Pottebaum the MVP for Carroll Glass. Andy Reiman won in his 2012 debut along with Brad Stork. Dierk Halverson and Benet Snyder tied.
Finally Collin Hackett showed up to Supper league, shot a one under par 36 on the front nine and beat Carroll Country Club Golf Pro Paul Tigges. Outstanding round Mr. Hackett. The disc jockeys beat Brown Shoe Fit Company 38 to 34. The head shoe fitter Jeff Bahr was on his way to Kentucky and did not play.
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Van Diest Supply takes the lead! |
The Uncle Bruce Player of the Year standings: 1-GPS Bob Pudenz, 2-Chemical Dirk Glynn(you are welcome Dirk), 3-Ron Juergens, Jay Westerkamp, and Tom Simons.
It was not the nicest night of the year at the Carroll Country Club but week 3 is in the books. A big thanks to the beer cart ladies for braving the weather. Good things are happening at the Carroll Country Club!
As always this bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Week 3 match ups
Your Bud Light team looks to narrow the lead of Champion Ford in week 3. This week's opponent is an always tough Graddy's Salsa. Bud Three Steve "Hans" Auen looks to make a recovery this week. Mike Schulz and Bud Two Troy Auen will also make the call to the tee. Steve Sinnard or Captain Mike Franey will be rounding out the line up.
Flight leading Champion Ford takes on Templeton Savings Bank or whatever name they will be in week 3. The hammers and nails of Badding Construction will battle par.
Action in the U.S. Open Flight finds leaders Juergens Lawn Care taking on the Supper league defending champions Stiff Sticks. The sticks are 4 points behind the mowers. You can be assured that Fairway Frank will have the team ready. This seems to me to be one of the two premier match ups of week 3 and I have to give the edge to the more experienced Stiff Sticks.
Third place Byronz Boyz take on par while Papa Joe and the whiskeys take dead aim on Active Performance. This reporter will be watching to see if Produce Tom Duff can recover from last weeks lose.
Over in the Zach Johnson division flight leaders Macke Motors take on WCI. WCI rides an upset win in week 2 over Utilicomm. Jeff Minnich and Flying Bob Raue need to get things going for the motors after poor performances in week 2.
Second place Carroll Cycle Center takes on par. The cycles beat the motors in week 2 riding the wings of Jay Drees.
Utilicomm looks to recover against Greteman Chiropractic. Westside State Savings Bank's head janitor Matt Lujano needs a strong performance to keep a spot in the line up after a poor week 2.
PGA flight winners Budweiser take on second place Van Diest Supply. The two are separated by 4 points. Uncle Bruce Player of the Year front runner GPS Bob Pudenz is the king of the beers through the first two weeks. This looks to be a great match up. Many members of the Budweiser team are now playing in the more mature 18 hole league and this may prove to be a component of the match to keep an eye on.
Carroll Glass takes on Chico's oil jobbers of Community Oil. Collin Hackett looks to avoid a third week of being beat scratch by Uncle Pete Collison as they take on the Brown Shoe Fit Company.
Two flights have #1 vs #2 match ups tonight that this reporter will be sure to watch.
The Carroll County I Club's spring banquet is May 16th at the American Legion in Arcadia. Captain Kirk Ferentz will be the headline speaker. If anyone needs a ticket just let me know.
As always this Bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Flight leading Champion Ford takes on Templeton Savings Bank or whatever name they will be in week 3. The hammers and nails of Badding Construction will battle par.
Action in the U.S. Open Flight finds leaders Juergens Lawn Care taking on the Supper league defending champions Stiff Sticks. The sticks are 4 points behind the mowers. You can be assured that Fairway Frank will have the team ready. This seems to me to be one of the two premier match ups of week 3 and I have to give the edge to the more experienced Stiff Sticks.
Third place Byronz Boyz take on par while Papa Joe and the whiskeys take dead aim on Active Performance. This reporter will be watching to see if Produce Tom Duff can recover from last weeks lose.
Over in the Zach Johnson division flight leaders Macke Motors take on WCI. WCI rides an upset win in week 2 over Utilicomm. Jeff Minnich and Flying Bob Raue need to get things going for the motors after poor performances in week 2.
Second place Carroll Cycle Center takes on par. The cycles beat the motors in week 2 riding the wings of Jay Drees.
Utilicomm looks to recover against Greteman Chiropractic. Westside State Savings Bank's head janitor Matt Lujano needs a strong performance to keep a spot in the line up after a poor week 2.
PGA flight winners Budweiser take on second place Van Diest Supply. The two are separated by 4 points. Uncle Bruce Player of the Year front runner GPS Bob Pudenz is the king of the beers through the first two weeks. This looks to be a great match up. Many members of the Budweiser team are now playing in the more mature 18 hole league and this may prove to be a component of the match to keep an eye on.
Carroll Glass takes on Chico's oil jobbers of Community Oil. Collin Hackett looks to avoid a third week of being beat scratch by Uncle Pete Collison as they take on the Brown Shoe Fit Company.
Two flights have #1 vs #2 match ups tonight that this reporter will be sure to watch.
The Carroll County I Club's spring banquet is May 16th at the American Legion in Arcadia. Captain Kirk Ferentz will be the headline speaker. If anyone needs a ticket just let me know.
As always this Bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Week 2 in review......Budweiser wins big, Uncle Pete beats Nephew Collin Again.....Bud Light falls!
The wind in week two proved to be the difference. Your Bud Light team fell to the hammers of Badding Construction 38 to 34. Mike Schulz the only winner for Your Bud Light team by beating Jair Mayhall. Schulz blamed an email malfunction at work as the reason for being late for the 5:30 start time. Long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz tied his match with "The numbers man" Bob Muhlbauer. Mertz collected low gross honors as the only player in the Phil Mickelson division to shoot in the 30's on week two. Week one MVP Bud Two Troy Auen lost to Ron Badding 10 to 8. This publisher received several opinions about Auen changing equipment this week. Steve Sinnard was beaten by Jeff Greteman 11 to 7. Sinnard exited the course immediately after play and was unavailable for comment.
Champion Ford continued their winning ways by beating Graddy's Salsa 37 to 35. Steve Herrin the week 2 MVP for the Fords by beating Mike Loehr 14 to 4. Two time Papa Joe Classic Champion Dave Nelson was the only other winner for the cars. Nick Fangman was the MVP for the tomatoes.
Templeton Savings Bank held par to a draw 36 to 36. John Feld and Scott Greteman were the MVP's for the bankers. Tony Pietig had a tournament hangover from his big win at the 90th birthday of the Carroll Country Club and lost 8 to 10. Not sure what is going on with this team as they were Windstar Lines in week one. I can only imagine they will be Eastside Shell or Feld Fire in week 2.
The standings in the British Open Flight are Champion Ford - 80, Bud Light - 74, Graddy's Salsa - 73, Templeton Savings Bank - 70 and Badding Construction - 67.
Juergen's Lawn Care remained at the top of the U.S. Open Flight with a 38 to 34 win over par. Ron Juergens and Bob Linde the MVP's for the grass cutters. Juergen's nailed low net honors.
Defending league champions Stiff Sticks bounced back from a week one loss by beating Active Performance 41 to 31. Mike Nelson and Neal Cross were both winners for the sticks. The sticks scored low net team for the second straight week.
Templeton Rye squeaked by Byronz Boyz 37 to 35. Denny Kasperbauer and Papa Joe Pick the only winners for the whiskeys. Tom Duff shot a seven over par 44 and was one better than Papa Joe Pick.
The standings in the U.S Open Flight finds Juergen's Lawn Care - 80, Stiff Sticks - 76, Byronz Boyz - 72, Templeton Rye(Papa Joe's team) - 72 and Active Performance - 61.
Over in Masters Flight of the Zach Johnson division Macke Motors got a sense of reality with a 34 to 38 loss to the Carroll Cycle Center. Jay Drees the MVP for the cycles. Corey Bluml earned low gross honors in his second loss of the two week season. Randy Bierl and Car Wash Todd Pettitt both won for the motors. Jeff Minnich and Flying Bob Raue fell hard.
WCI got their first win of the season beating Utilicomm 39 to 33. Wyatt Haukap the MVP for the cable guys. Brandon "BV" Vonnahme did the beat down on Westside State Savings Bank head tell Matt Lujano 13 to 5 to lead the basement fixers. BV was awarded low net as well.
Greteman Chiropractic struggled with an always tough par.
Macke Motors still leads the Masters Flight with 77, Carroll Cycle Center - 72, Utilcomm - 71, WCI - 71 and Greteman Chiropractic - 65.
Budweiser clobbered the shoes of Brown Shoe Fit 48 to 24. Bob Pudenz hammered a subbing Mike Franey 15 to 3. It was a bad night for this publisher. My cart partner Todd Bierl lost to John Greteman 12 to 6. Bierl went from golfer to photographer getting some action shots of my many appearances in the trees. Joel Harris also a winner for the King of Beers. The Beers were low net team.
Carroll Glass took care of Collin Hackett's air time boys 43 to 29. Chemical Dirk Glynn the MVP for the glass men by beating Colin Bierl. Hackett was beaten by Uncle Pete scratch for the second straight week. Just saying Kimmy!
Van Diest Supply beat Chico Kanne and the oil jobbers 39 to 33. It was good to see that Dick Muhlbauer received his team shirt this week. Muhlbauer and Mac's head coffee maker Todd Kanne both won for the oilers. The Pick brothers did better that father Papa Joe Pick as they both picked up wins.
Budweiser takes the top spot with 89, Van Diest Supply - 85, Carroll Glass - 74, Brown Shoe Fit - 65, Community Oil - 64, Carrol Broadcasting - 55.
2012 Uncle Player of the Year standings: 1. Bob Pudenz, 2. Ron Juergens 3. Brandon Vonnahme $. Dave Nelson, 5. Aaron Pick and Brad Pick
Welcome new subscriber Kyle Christensen!
That is a wrap for a windy week 2. Have a great week and see you at the course.
As always this bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Champion Ford continued their winning ways by beating Graddy's Salsa 37 to 35. Steve Herrin the week 2 MVP for the Fords by beating Mike Loehr 14 to 4. Two time Papa Joe Classic Champion Dave Nelson was the only other winner for the cars. Nick Fangman was the MVP for the tomatoes.
Templeton Savings Bank held par to a draw 36 to 36. John Feld and Scott Greteman were the MVP's for the bankers. Tony Pietig had a tournament hangover from his big win at the 90th birthday of the Carroll Country Club and lost 8 to 10. Not sure what is going on with this team as they were Windstar Lines in week one. I can only imagine they will be Eastside Shell or Feld Fire in week 2.
The standings in the British Open Flight are Champion Ford - 80, Bud Light - 74, Graddy's Salsa - 73, Templeton Savings Bank - 70 and Badding Construction - 67.
Juergen's Lawn Care remained at the top of the U.S. Open Flight with a 38 to 34 win over par. Ron Juergens and Bob Linde the MVP's for the grass cutters. Juergen's nailed low net honors.
Defending league champions Stiff Sticks bounced back from a week one loss by beating Active Performance 41 to 31. Mike Nelson and Neal Cross were both winners for the sticks. The sticks scored low net team for the second straight week.
Templeton Rye squeaked by Byronz Boyz 37 to 35. Denny Kasperbauer and Papa Joe Pick the only winners for the whiskeys. Tom Duff shot a seven over par 44 and was one better than Papa Joe Pick.
The standings in the U.S Open Flight finds Juergen's Lawn Care - 80, Stiff Sticks - 76, Byronz Boyz - 72, Templeton Rye(Papa Joe's team) - 72 and Active Performance - 61.
Over in Masters Flight of the Zach Johnson division Macke Motors got a sense of reality with a 34 to 38 loss to the Carroll Cycle Center. Jay Drees the MVP for the cycles. Corey Bluml earned low gross honors in his second loss of the two week season. Randy Bierl and Car Wash Todd Pettitt both won for the motors. Jeff Minnich and Flying Bob Raue fell hard.
WCI got their first win of the season beating Utilicomm 39 to 33. Wyatt Haukap the MVP for the cable guys. Brandon "BV" Vonnahme did the beat down on Westside State Savings Bank head tell Matt Lujano 13 to 5 to lead the basement fixers. BV was awarded low net as well.
Greteman Chiropractic struggled with an always tough par.
Macke Motors still leads the Masters Flight with 77, Carroll Cycle Center - 72, Utilcomm - 71, WCI - 71 and Greteman Chiropractic - 65.
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In the trees on 10. Photo by Todd Bierl. |
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Not out yet! |
Budweiser clobbered the shoes of Brown Shoe Fit 48 to 24. Bob Pudenz hammered a subbing Mike Franey 15 to 3. It was a bad night for this publisher. My cart partner Todd Bierl lost to John Greteman 12 to 6. Bierl went from golfer to photographer getting some action shots of my many appearances in the trees. Joel Harris also a winner for the King of Beers. The Beers were low net team.
Carroll Glass took care of Collin Hackett's air time boys 43 to 29. Chemical Dirk Glynn the MVP for the glass men by beating Colin Bierl. Hackett was beaten by Uncle Pete scratch for the second straight week. Just saying Kimmy!
Van Diest Supply beat Chico Kanne and the oil jobbers 39 to 33. It was good to see that Dick Muhlbauer received his team shirt this week. Muhlbauer and Mac's head coffee maker Todd Kanne both won for the oilers. The Pick brothers did better that father Papa Joe Pick as they both picked up wins.
Budweiser takes the top spot with 89, Van Diest Supply - 85, Carroll Glass - 74, Brown Shoe Fit - 65, Community Oil - 64, Carrol Broadcasting - 55.
2012 Uncle Player of the Year standings: 1. Bob Pudenz, 2. Ron Juergens 3. Brandon Vonnahme $. Dave Nelson, 5. Aaron Pick and Brad Pick
Welcome new subscriber Kyle Christensen!
That is a wrap for a windy week 2. Have a great week and see you at the course.
As always this bud's for you and ON IOWA!
Mike Franey
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Week 2 line ups and other things!
Week 2 starts with GPS Bob Pudenz leading the Uncle Bruce Player of the Year award. A big thanks to Robyn Greteman from Auen Distributing for her work to develop a spreadsheet to compute all 15 weeks, average those weeks, sort them and make it so much easier for this publisher to determine the winner. Thanks Robyn!
Week 2 action in British Open Flight of the Phil Mickelson's division features YOUR Bud Light team taking on Badding Construction. Making the call to the first tee for YOUR Bud Light team will be long time subscriber, top local amateur, highly successful and more veteran golfer Craig Mertz, Steve Sinnard, Mike Schulz and MVP front runner Bud Two Troy Auen.
In other British Open action flight leaders Champion Ford take on Graddy's Salsa and Windstar battles always tough par.
Action in the U.S. Open Flight of the Phil Mickelson division finds flight leaders Juergen's Lawn Care battling par. Fairway Frank and Stiff Sticks play Active Performance and Byronz Boyz look to take it to Papa Joe Pick and the Templeton Rye team.
In the PGA Flight the leaders, Van Diest Supply play head oil jobber Chico Kanne and Community Oil. All eyes will be on Dick Muhlbauer to see if he is supporting a new shirt. Collin Hackett looks to repair the embarrassment of his week one three shot loss to Uncle Pete Collison as his Carroll Broadcasting team plays Carroll Glass. Brown Shoe Fit Company takes on the Bud boys of Budweiser.
The golf report congratulates Andy and Kate Reiman for their bouncing baby girl, Avery Marie Reiman born Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at St. Anthony Regional Hospital.
In the Master's Flight of the Zach Johnson division the flight leaders Macke Motors play the cycles of Carroll Cycle Center after the cycles poor performance in week one. WCI plays Utilcomm. This publisher made a courtesy call yesterday to the Westside State Savings Bank and Matt Lujano looks for good things out of the cable guys this week. Greteman Chiropractic plays par.
Sincere sympathy from this report goes out to the Brenda Bruggeman family in the loss of their son. Brenda is known by many subscribers of this report for the great job that she does managing the Carroll Municipal Golf Course! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
That's a wrap for the week two preview!
Fairways and greens to all!
Captain Mike Franey
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I wonder if Steve will have the coat and tie on tonight? |
In other British Open action flight leaders Champion Ford take on Graddy's Salsa and Windstar battles always tough par.
Action in the U.S. Open Flight of the Phil Mickelson division finds flight leaders Juergen's Lawn Care battling par. Fairway Frank and Stiff Sticks play Active Performance and Byronz Boyz look to take it to Papa Joe Pick and the Templeton Rye team.
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The Rye boys might need a shot or two tonight! |
In the PGA Flight the leaders, Van Diest Supply play head oil jobber Chico Kanne and Community Oil. All eyes will be on Dick Muhlbauer to see if he is supporting a new shirt. Collin Hackett looks to repair the embarrassment of his week one three shot loss to Uncle Pete Collison as his Carroll Broadcasting team plays Carroll Glass. Brown Shoe Fit Company takes on the Bud boys of Budweiser.
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Avery Marie Reiman |
In the Master's Flight of the Zach Johnson division the flight leaders Macke Motors play the cycles of Carroll Cycle Center after the cycles poor performance in week one. WCI plays Utilcomm. This publisher made a courtesy call yesterday to the Westside State Savings Bank and Matt Lujano looks for good things out of the cable guys this week. Greteman Chiropractic plays par.
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The all 70's hole was all about Keeley! |
That's a wrap for the week two preview!
Fairways and greens to all!
Captain Mike Franey
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