Fairway Frank Comito carried the Stiff Sticks to victory on the fairways and greens of the Carroll Country Club by smashing the tomatoes of Tomato John Gradoville. The winning team was Mike Nelson, Frank Comito, Chip Wittrock and Neal Cross.

The team of Tomato John Gradoville, Mike Loehr, Rick Grote and Nick Fangman finish second.

The team of Pat "Spanky" Vollstedt, Steve "Cuda" Quandt, Papa Joe Pick and Tom Duff finish in 3rd after beating the Commercial Savings Bank. Papa Joe Pick and Cuda Quandt were all smiles for beating the two younger Pick boys.

The Commercial Savings Bank team of Jay Westerkamp, Brad Pick, Dirk Glynn, Aaron Pick and Ryan Milligan spent a lot of weeks at the top only to settle for fourth.

Budweiser team leader Pat Malloy was presented the coach of year award by Bud One Jim Auen for reshaping the old Miller Lite team into a Supper league contender.

In a post round interview Malloy said "I would like to thank all the hard work of my team. Their dedication to the game really showed."
Paul Tigges and Brian Billmeier handed out umbrellas to Flying Bob Raue, Brad Pick, Scott Monical, Brian Widdel, Bob Muhlbauer, Aaron Pick and Tomato John Gradoville.
Low gross winners were Collin Hackett and Mike Nelson. Low net winners were the Carroll Cycle Center's head man Terry Ruchti and Monument Man Loren Boyce. Closest to the pin awards went to Brad Stork and Fairway Frank Comito. Longest putt award winners were Pat Macke and Jair Mayhall.
Thanks to Paul and Brian for their hard work organizing and running this year's league.
Stop out to your club and meet our new manager Carrie Swinney Riesberg. Welcome Carrie!

Best of luck to Captain Kirk Ferentz and the Iowa Hawkeyes as they open their season this Saturday at Kinnick Stadium.
Please keep Uncle Bruce Pettitt in your thoughts and prayers as he continues to recover from his surgery. Hang in there UB we look forward to seeing you soon!
This summer has been challenging for the Franey household and we have gotten through it all because of the thoughts, prayers and help that we received from our family and friends. From the bottom of our hearts I would like to say thank you!
As always this Buds for you and On Iowa!